Sunday 17 March 2013


Tourism refers to the activity of touring, sightseeing or travelling to a place other than fifty miles from the place of residence not more than one year for the purpose of recreation or leisure. According to the World Tourism Organization, one of the UN agencies, tourism also refers to the activities of service to travelers. Tourism has become a popular leisure activity in the world.
 Every country in this world have their own interesting places and historical places which become a tourism attraction. Malaysia also is no exception from being a main tourist destination, not even from outside the country or in the country. Every year, the government expends a huge amount of money to maintain the historical places ,facilities and improve the tourism services in Malaysia. Tourism is one of the main national income in Malaysia and government is always made various efforts towards to develop the tourism industry in the country.

One of the government efforts are, government always promote Malaysia to all country in the world. Government initiated steps to promote Malaysia worldwide by collaborating with other countries and exchange of culture delegation with certain countries is one of the most effective efforts to introduce Malaysia to foreign tourist. Other than that, government through the Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism has introduced a Visit Malaysia Year program to encourages  tourist all over the world to visit Malaysia and thus give a lot of profit by foreign currency exchange from tourist. Government also need to improve their promotion to increase the amount of tourist although they need to spend a huge amount of money to do it.
There are a few factors that contributes to the tourist arrivals to Malaysia. One of the factors is because Malaysia has a lot of interesting places to visit. As an example , Malaysia has a lot of places that have unique surrounding that no same like their country such as Cameron Highlands and Genting Highlands. At these highlands, they can feel the cool and fresh surrounding and the temperature can dropped until 5 degree celcius depends on the weather. The tourist also can feel the uniqueness and beauty of nature while they can see the different types of crops especially fruits and vegetables. In addition, the tourist also can explore the tropical rain forest and manage some adventures activities at the same time the tourists also can do some research about flora and fauna in that place. So, this recreation park can attract the tourists from inside and outside the country.
Furthermore, Malaysia has a unique nature surroundings that hot and humid all the year. The tourists very love these climates pattern especially tourists from West countries such as Europe and United States of America. Tourist from West countries take the advantage to spend their holidays time in Malaysia to have sunbathe  under the hot sun especially at the beach area in Malaysia. This is because Malaysia beach is very beautiful ,clean and safe.  Moreover, there are also got a lot of interesting activities at the beach that has been prepared for tourist such as  kayaking, boating ,or bathing. So , based on this privileges, tourist will keep come again to Malaysia more than once time.
Other than that, Malaysia also got a lot of beautiful and attractive islands that  become the main reason for the tourist come to Malaysia. Among the islands that become a main tourist target in this country includings Redang Island, Kapas Island and Tioman Island.  Besides that, a modern infrastructure facilities in the area are well cared to ensure the area is kept clean and comfortable for the tourist  to visits. The tourist also can feel the underwater world with scuba diving activities at coral reef areas located in Pulau Kapas that is admitted as one of the seven wonders of the world. In addition, to ensure that the tourist are satisfied with the island natural surroundings, government has upgrade all the facilities on the island and government has announced that area as a Marine Park . So, with these privileges, Malaysia can attract more tourists, thus helping to generate the progress of the tourism industry.
At the same time, the progress of the tourism industry, supported by the existence the unique cultures in our country. As Malaysia is a multiracial country with a different culture then there are interesting here. The combination of the Malay, Chinese and India have managed to increase foreign tourist arrivals to Malaysia. The Malays are known for dances such as ‘inang’ and zapin while the Chinese are famous with dragon dance. In addition, Malaysia is rich with a variety of traditional food that can be enjoyed by the tourists. The Malay community is famous for its food such as satay, rice cake and ‘rendang’ and  Indians are famous with curries, tosei, idali and others. Thus this uniqueness of our culture in Malaysia has become an attraction for tourists to visit our country.
The government plays an important role and related government agencies with tourism also develop the tourism sector in Malaysia. For example, Affairs Ministry of Tourism has organize a variety of cultural performances and tourist destination of Malaysia to some  countries as an effort to promote Malaysia to the foreign tourists. The focus is not only limited to Europe countries or the United States but also include all countries in the world . At the same time, the government also held a variety of annual activities to attract more tourists, such as conducting Flora Festival Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Traditional Food Festival, Le Tour De Langkawi sports and so on. Malaysia has also introduced a new concept of tourism as "ecotourism", "agrotourism", medical tourism, education tourism and others. With the continue efforts of the tourism sector in Malaysia, it will be more advance one day.

Thursday 14 February 2013


Vandalism is the behavior attributed originally to the Vandals by the Romans, in respect of culture: ruthless destruction or spoiling of anything beautiful or venerable. The term also include criminal damage such as graffiti and defacement directed towards any properties without permission of the owner. This problem has become a major problem in all countries in the world. Teenagers are mostly involved in this problem and it is growing concern to all people,especially to the government.
Every year, the government has to bear higher losses due to this vandalism behavior. Government had to spend a lot of money to renew all the facilities that cannot be used anymore due to this irresponsible behavior. Moreover, the public is no exception from this problem. They usually will have a problem every time when they want to use the facility either for usual uses or emergency needs. As a result, this situation is very troubling them and this vandalism behavior is getting worse from day to day.

There are several examples of the of vandalism behavior such as graffiti painting on the wall, damaging the public phone, scribbling signboard direction, damaging public toilets and more. Based on the example above, there are several reasons that lead to this problem. One of the reasons for this is the influence of the bad peer. Peer influence is important in the formation of personality, it depends on their friends if they bring a good influence or not. In this situation, it's usually teenagers are easily influenced by things that are not good. Those involved in these symptoms tend to be teenagers that have family problems or some not good in studies. They will spend a lot of time hanging out with friends who like them and they began to think of doing something bad in public.

Besides that, the parents also become the major cause of this vandalism. Parents are the closest example to the children, because all the parents behavior are seen by their children and being followed by them. For example, some parents littering freely from the car and not obey to the legal speed limit on the road and of course this action is observed by their children. In addition, this vandalism can also occur when parents do not pay attention to the development of their children as too focused on their careers. Other than that, lack of parental control cause their children to feel free to do anything they want without worrying about their parents. Parents also do not provide enough religion education to their children cause their children easily influenced by vandalism behavior and negative lifestyles.

Next, the influence of the mass media also contributed to the symptoms of this vandalism because mass media is important in the delivery of current information. Some films have screened negative elements and also display vandalism behavior. Many films containing such elements usually come from Western countries that practice free lifestyle and is not suitable practice in this country. In addition, teenagers are often easily influenced by negative scenes in the film and started doing the same thing that usually lead to vandalism behavior.

To overcome the problem of vandalism, there are several steps that we can take to solve this problem. First of all, these steps should be start by parents because parents are the most close to the children. Parents should provide enough religious education and at the same time apply good moral values within their children since childhood. Parents should also explain and give guidance to their children about the importance of protecting public property and use it well. As a result , these children will be avoided from vandalism behavior and it will decreases the vandalism behavior in our country. In addition, parents should spend more time with their families and always be with them to prevent their children feel bored and feel empty in their daily life.

The authorities also have an important role in overcoming this problem by running the enforcement and implementation of the law. Based on the Local Government Act 9 Vandalism By-Laws 1991, anyone who committed on act of vandalism will be fined RM 2,000 or to imprisonment for one year if proved guilty. The implementation of the new law setting the vandalism offenders need to do their community service work within the stipulated time. This action thus giving a lesson to the offender vandalism and be an example to the community to not perform this behavior anymore. In addition, members of the community should also be concerned and aware of things happening around them. The local community should work together to overcome the symptoms of this vandalism by reporting to the authorities if seen vandalism activities occurs in their area. In addition, members of the community should also be concerned and aware of things happening around them. Not only depend on the local community, the school also plays a role in overcoming this problem. The school can hold a talk on the importance of taking care public property and the school should start by asking all students, teachers and school staff protect and safeguard school property. In addition, the school also must explain and teach their students about the responsibility they take care of public property and prevent themselves from doing the vandalism activities that cause loss to all.

Finally the mass media is responsible for publishing the information and entertainment to people in the country. They also have an important role in creating awareness in the community about the adverse effects of acts of vandalism. The mass media also play a role in assisting the Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in terms of public awareness campaigns so that they understand the importance of taking care of public property and with the commitment of all parties to the campaign run smoothly and achieve its objectives. With the cooperation of all parties, it is possible the symptoms of this vandalism behavior will decrease over time if the efforts is carried out.

Sunday 10 February 2013

My Favorite Cartoon

Childhood era is the most happiest and fun moment in our life. Everyone has their own sweet and bitter experiences in their life as a child. They usually are no exception from watching a television programs especially in their favorite cartoon series. They willing to wait for their favorite cartoon series and feeling excited to watch it.

Same like others, I also have my own favorite cartoon in my childhood life and my favorite cartoon is Dragon Ball. I started to watch this cartoon series since I was seven years old and it was popular cartoon series on that time. This cartoon series aired every weekend at 9.30am and I usually watch it with my brother and friends in my house.

I will share a little bit about this cartoon series. This cartoon series tells about a boy known as Goku who traveled around the world to search and collect all the seven pearl balls called Dragon Ball. He believed that if all the seven Dragon Ball are collected together,a dragon will appear and it will fulfill all our requests that limited only for three requests. During his journey, he meet a girl named Bulma that also searched for the Dragon Ball. Bulma who has a lot of high tech of searching device has joined Goku in his journey to search for the Dragon Ball and they slowly found it one by one. They also meet new friends named Kirilin,Yamcha and Master Roshi and they also gave a help in this journey.

Goku together with his friends ,Kirilin was been trained by Master Roshi about martial arts technique that is known as kung fu. They have been trained for along time before they all all together can continue their journey to collect all the Dragon Ball. They didn't realize that they also have an enemy who also want the Dragon Ball. Their enemy is Piccolo and his partners that need the Dragon Ball to build his new empires and conquer the world. That is where the adventure begins from Goku and his friends to collect all the Dragon Ball as fast as posibble to prevent the evil of Piccolo from world domination.

This cartoon series is continue to Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT where Goku and his friend are married and have their own family. This cartoon series is still aired until this day and you can watch it on selected television channel. Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Celebrations In Malaysia

  Welcome to Malaysia, the variety of culture, language, religion and food enthralling. Of cultural and social centuries between the Malays, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Dusun, Iban and others have multi-racial Malaysian society living in harmony. Together to celebrate various festivals, traditions and cultural activities throughout the year may not be bored here. Known for their hospitality, Malaysians eagerly share their celebration with friends and foreign tourists. For an eventful time, now is the time and the place is Malaysia.

  There are many celebrations in Malaysia such Hari Raya celebrations,Chiness New Year,Deepavali,Christmas and many more.However, in this article, I'll just share three festivals, they are Chiness New Year,Hari Raya celebrations and Deepavali.

  I will start with Chiness New Year.Chinese New Year marks the first day of the lunar calendar and is celebrated over 15 days. Mandarin oranges and plum blossom, which symbolizes prosperity and good luck, decorate Chinese homes, complexes and shopping. Dragon dance and lion dance with the perky drums add to the festive air. On the eve of New Year, family members gather to enjoy a dinner, followed by an open house 'for relatives and friends the next day. This festival is celebrated every year.

   Next is Hari Raya celebrations . Hari Raya celebrations is celebrated by all Muslim in the world which marks the end of the month of Ramadan .Muslim population in Malaysia started that day with prayers and followed by visits the grave and forgive each other on that day. Relatives and friends are invited to an open house where they are served with a delicious variety of traditional foods.

   Lastly is Deepavali. Deepavali is celebrated by all Hindus in the world. The victory of good defeat evil is celebrated by Hindus in Diwali festival which is also known as the Festival of Lights in the seventh month of the Hindu calendar. Across the country, prayers and cleansing carried out in temples and places of worship of Hindus.

   I hope this little information will make you understand about celebrations in Malaysia. I hope this celebrations will strengthen the relationship between the people and ensure peace and harmony in our country.Thats all for now, thank you for reading.

Sunday 27 January 2013


  My name is Muhammad Syauqi. Syauqi is my surname. My parents gave me this name. I quite like my name. I am 18-year old boy. I have three siblings and I’m the second one.

  I live in Sungai Siput (U) area. It is a neat and clean city with all modern facilities. My father is an army. He works five day in a week. Although my father always busy with his work, he never forget his responsibilities to our family.He is always concerned about the needs of families and the development of our education.

  My mother is also highly-educated, she is a teacher. My mother teaches at SMA Maahad Nurul Fadzliah at Sungai Siput (U).She is the most strict teacher at school,but at home she is lovely mother,good and patient at all times. My mother always helps me in my education,she always teaches me everytime I need her guidence.I love both my parents from the very depths of my heart. They are everyting for me,I don’t know how my life will be witout them.

  My former school is SMK Muhibbah,and I’ve study in that school almost five years since I’m 13 yeras old. Our school is rural schools. There are many girl and boy students in my class. They all are nice and friendly with me. But Fairuz is my best friend. My father who sent me to school everyday.

  During my free time,I like to wash my father’s car. I also like many games but I like playing computer games, the most. I always play computer games every weekend for two hours a day.I will look for a new games every four month with my friends at Yik Fong,Ipoh.

  My friends often come to my house. And in return, I also visit them. I talk, study and play with them.My ambition is to be a computer engineer .I choose this career as my future career because I'm very interested with computer program and how its work.I hope I can achieve my ambition in the future.That's all about myself, thank you for reading.